American Sign Language Interpreter Services
+1 (315) 552-0222
Call or Text for Free Assistance,
Interpreters & Advocacy

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
RID is a non-profit organization considered to be the authority on professional ASL Interpretation. The RID seeks to uphold standards, ethics, and professionalism for ASL interpreters.
RID certifications provide independent verification of an ASL interpreter’s quality of service, competence and skill.
RID maintains a searchable database is to be used by individual consumers to locate individual interpreters.
NOTE: If the member does not have “Freelance” status indicated, please do not contact them regarding assignments.

Continuing Education Units
ASL Interpreters are required to continue developing their interpreting knowledge in order to qualify and maintain certifications.
These links are a selection of sources for obtaining CEUs, many are free of charge. You can also file a PINRA to get credit for CEUs not explicitly associated with RID.

How Do I Become an ASL Interpreter?
The field of ASL Interpreting is as rewarding as it is inspiring and fulfilling. We have assembled resources here for you to use on your journey to finding out if this is the right career for you.
The industry of ASL interpreting has always suffered from shortages. The demand is higher than ever and qualified interpreters who can read signs as well as produce clear sign language are a rarity.
There are many misconceptions in this field and often student interpreters are given misleading information about the realities of interpreting ASL in the United States.
Entry level interpreters can expect to make $25 to $35 per hour with more experienced interpreters earning $35 to $60 per hour for interpreters at the top of the field.
For 2021, the market size for ASL Interpreting in the United States was estimated to be approximately $1.2 billion.
If you are interested in becoming an interpreter, we strongly recommend you learn as much as you can before investing money on tuition and time as the turnover rate is high among entry level interpreters.
Reporting ADA Violations
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We recommend sharing this form with deaf clients, family and associates as well as service management and staff who are refusing meaningful access to programs they offer to the public, relevant to ADA laws.
We are a full service ASL Interpreting service provider for all 50 U.S. States and Territories. Services include Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), in-person ASL Interpreter dispatching, Deaf service and ADA Compliance consulting services.
ASL Interpreter.app is a subsidiary of Deaf.app.